Recovery Colleges Evaluation

Keywords Messages, Recovery, Empowerment, Scaling-Out, Peer-Based


After a three-year pilot program, in 2021 the Government of Alberta tasked the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division with implementing Recovery Colleges in eight regions across the province. PolicyWise led the 2021-2024 evaluation.

Recovery Colleges offer free recovery-focused courses co-developed and co-facilitated with community and peers and designed for individuals, families, the workplace, and communities. They are benefiting people’s mental health, connecting people to community, and filling gaps in the care system.

These resources show highlights of the year one of the Recovery Colleges evaluation. The Snapshot outlines the impacts of Recovery Colleges on participants, the community, and the system. The Lessons Learned highlights key messages based on the year one evaluation findings.

Practice & Policy Implications

  • Offering recovery-focused mental health courses for everyone in community and by peers, like Recovery Colleges, can address gaps in mental health care.
  • Using a peer-based model of mental health promotion and skills training can improve well-being and social outcomes.

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