Raising Canada: Top 10 Threats to Childhood in Canada

Keywords Poverty, Bullying, Child Rights, Preventable Injuries and Illness, Child Maltreatment, Child and Youth Participation


Children First Canada is a national charitable organization advocating for and with children and youth in Canada. In 2018 they launched Raising Canada, an annual series of reports on the state of the nation’s children. The most recent Report presents the top 10 threats to childhood in 2023, which include Poor Mental Health, Violence Against Children and Youth, and Poverty. Cross-cutting themes including Access to Education and Childcare are also discussed. The Infographic presents key messages for each of the 10 threats along with three calls to action.

Policy & Practice Implications:

  • The concrete policy and community recommendations incorporated in the report can be used to guide priority and agenda setting.
  • The report includes children and youth voices as co-researchers, so it can direct policy and practice in ways that align with their perspectives.

Image source: https://childrenfirstcanada.org/campaign/raising-canada/