Building Strength, Inspiring Hope: A Provincial Action Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention 2019 - 2024

Keywords Youth Suicide Prevention, Evidence-Informed Practices, Community Supports, Risk Factors, Youth Voice, Natural Supports


Building on established provincial youth suicide initiatives and through broad stakeholder engagement, the Government of Alberta released a five-year Action Plan to help address the high rates of youth suicide in the province. The Action Plan outlines an evidence-informed approach to reducing youth suicide by building community capacity and providing supports and services that are focused on recovery and growth. It applies a gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) lens to ensure that groups of youth who are disproportionately at risk of suicide are adequately supported. Five outcomes for the 5-year plan are outlined, along with actions to achieve them: supports and services; training; awareness and education; research, data, and knowledge; and reduced access to means of suicide.

Practice & Policy Implications 

  • The Action Plan centres the voices and artworks of youth, offering an example of how to engage those with lived experience in identifying needs and challenges and creating solutions. 
  • The Action Plan outlines clear policy directions and actionable strategies that communities and community partners can take to support reducing youth suicide in Alberta.
  • The appendices include a list of stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples and communities who provided input and feedback along with the questions posed during engagement sessions, which can inform related engagement planning.

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