Buddy Up Campaign

Keywords Suicide Prevention, Masculinity, Warning Signs, Risk Factors, Peer Support


Centre for Suicide Prevention is an education centre based in Calgary. They equip Canadians to respond to people considering suicide.

In 2020, they launched the Buddy Up campaign because middle-aged men die by suicide more than anyone else. With funding from Viewpoint Foundation, they support men and their buddies to ask how are you really doing and keep these conversations going.

The Buddy Up Website features highlights from each year of the campaign, along with ways to take part, learn, and donate. The Toolkit is an introduction to men and suicide. The Poster is an illustrated guide for men on how to start conversations with their buddies.

Practice & Policy Implications

  • This multi-faceted campaign offers practical strategies for reaching men through accessible, engaging messaging and an ambassador approach.
  • The campaign’s illustrated personas used on TV ads, stickers, buttons, and hats can inspire others looking to use human-centred design to create awareness of change.

Image source: www.buddyup.ca/about