Strengthening employment interventions for newcomer youth

Keywords Youth Employment, Youth engagement, Career Guidance, Labour market


Blueprint is a Canadian organization that leverages data and evidence to tackle complex social and economic issues and enhance policies, programs, and services. Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and in partnership with several Toronto-based organizations, Blueprint facilitated workshops focused on newcomer youth’s employment journey in the Greater Toronto Area.

The Findings Report takes a strengths-based approach, focusing on youth experiences, abilities, and perspectives to address the employment challenges they face. It emphasizes the critical role of collaboration between government, service providers, and employers in closing gaps and creating more inclusive labor market pathways for newcomer youth.

Policy & Practice Implications

  • Employers and policy makers can learn about youth newcomers’ goals, strengths, barriers, and recommendations in newcomers’ own words.
  • The report includes workshop materials and slides that can help guide meaningful youth engagements, offering valuable tools for community organizations and researchers working with newcomer youth.
  • Policy makers can use the recommendations to inform decisions and develop policies that address barriers while leveraging the potential of newcomer youth to create more inclusive and effective employment solutions.
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