Older Adults and Suicide

Keywords Suicide Prevention, Warning Signs, Protective Factors


The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is a national not-for-profit corporation that aims at improving the mental health system and changing the attitudes and behaviours of Canadians around mental health issues.
MHCC's Fact Sheet provides insights into the risks and warning signs of suicide among older adults. It highlights protective factors that can reduce suicide risk, such as maintaining good physical and mental health, fostering strong relationships, having a sense of purpose, and restricting access to lethal means.

Policy & Practice Implications

  • Community organizations can use these insights to support outreach and mental health programs tailored for older adults.
  • Health professionals and caregivers can recognize warning signs, such as behavioral changes or statements of hopelessness, and encourage open discussions to reduce suicide risks.

Image source:  https://mentalhealthcommission.ca/resource/older-adults-and-suicide-fact-sheet/