Diversity is Our Strength: Improving Working Conditions in Canadian Nonprofits

Keywords Racial & Gendered Pay Inequity, Inequitable Funding Practices, Government Nonprofits, Community Nonprofits, Business Nonprofits, Nonprofit Workforce


Imagine Canada is a national charitable organization working to strengthen Canadian charities and nonprofits so they can better serve individuals and communities here and around the world. They created this Report to provide a demographic profile of the diverse nonprofit sector workforce in Canada, which represents 14% of Canadian employee jobs.

Findings include:

  • Women make up more than three quarters of the nonprofit sector, and immigrants, Black, Indigenous, and racialized people are also overrepresented.
  • Nonprofit workers are paid poorly compared to the economy-wide average, even though on they are more educated.
  • Men in the nonprofit sector are overrepresented in leadership roles relative to other positions in the workforce.

Policy & Practice Implications

  • The report discusses some of the implications of stereotypes of the nonprofit sector as feminine, including underfunding and over monitoring.
  • The report provides recommendations to reduce inequities in the nonprofit workforce, with specifical calls to action for funders, governments, and nonprofit leaders.

Image source: https://www.imaginecanada.ca/sites/default/files/2022-10/diversity-is-our-strength.pdf

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